Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Fireworks 3-11-2012

Whitstable was the venue for Fireworks this year with Gary and Debs hosting. Dialogue is short as there are many photos. To aid loading, all the photos are compressed, this means they are not full size when viewed in slideshow (which is probably the best way to see them). If there is any photo you would like to see full size please let me know and I will tack it on the end. 2 Cameras sourced these photos which are shown chronologically (well as near as I can get it).







The bonfire showed a little shrinkage to previous years and we missed the fun of guessing when the nearby trees would instantly combust and turn to ash or the back fence would burst into flames due to the intense heat.  Gary was not to disappoint us though and came up with several new games based around "Is the fire out yet?" He foxed us all however when with a little assistance from the ensemble, blowing and wafting, he got a miniature inferno going.

Many thanks for a wonderful evening.