Sunday, 6 November 2011

Fireworks Party

Fireworks at Gary and Deb’s last night. Another well organized event and their hosting is second to none with food and drink available in copious amounts. I had left my Canon in Burton so I had to rely on my Olympus 590uz which has a firework setting, sadly it was not as good as I had hoped it would be. Anyway onto the pics which are not the best I have ever taken, but do give a little hint of the fun that was had.

First off a test shot with "The neighbours"

Then our display began

Next came the Catherine Wheels

and then a display from the "mini's"


back to the "Big Ones"


Next the bonfire.

After the bonfire came one last rocket.

and that was it for another year, except for the chatting, and the cakes and the coffee and about seven different Whiskeys to choose from. A wonderful time had by all and again a special thank you to Deb and Gary, I know there were also a number of extra helpers who have gone un-named, a big thank you to them as well.